Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 05/01/2022


Masks are optional in the Stations (if you want our artist to wear one please ask them to)
Make sure you are not showing any cold or flu-like symptoms; you will not be permitted into the shop and will be asked to reschedule or come back in 5 days.
Our hours are Mon-Sat 11-6 Sun 1-6 As always, we will be glad to accommodate our customer’s schedule and can come in early or stay later.
If you choose to make an appointment, do so through the usual channels 208-735-1707 or email through the website or any of our social media sites. PIERCINGS are walk-in only


Regardless of how well behave your child is we cannot have children under the age of 14  in the TATTOO & PIERCING STATIONS.(unless they they have permission from the Tattooer or Piercer)

We understand that it is difficult to make arraignments for your children, but the tattoo shop is an adult environment and you can’t watch your kids when you’re trying to set up appointments for awesome back pieces and sleeves. Most people don’t think about it and have no one to watch their children while they’re setting up appointments or trying to get pierced or tattooed.


Specials Policy

Just a few words about the statement This offer cannot be used with any other offer In general what this means in WarmArt Tattoo & Body Piercing,llc world is this. When you get gift card for example you cannot get a Birthday special & a Wednesday special buy 1 piercing get the second for ½ price then you have to pick one or the other not both. Also on the Win a Free tattoo offer you can only register once per month, only win once per year. Gift cards are only good for one year only and like the birthday piercings it is non-transferable. 

Donation Policy

As with a lot of things we have found that we need to make few rules. This is in regards to the gift cards we donate to help individuals and groups for doing fundraisers and such and need raffle prizes. We are still extremely generous with these gifts to your cause, but these gift cards can in no way shape or form be given back to a committee member for their own personal use. Any organization or individual caught doing this will no longer be eligible for donations from WarmArt Tattoo & Body Piercing,llc .again.  Also we do not allow stacking cards on one procedure when you get gift card for example you can use one gift card per procedure. Gift cards are only good for one year only and like the birthday piercings it is non-transferable. (NO CASH VALUE) 

Free re-piercing Policy

It is our goal for you the customer to be satisfied with your new piercing .So if you have to remove your piercing for any medical reason i.e. M.R.I., C.A.T. scan, X-ray, surgery’s ECT. WarmArt Tattoo & Body Piercing,llc pierced it crooked or it migrates out due to shallow piercing .We will re-pierce it for free!

You will need to bring in the jewelry or you can purchase some from us. This offer is good for one year from the date of your piercing.



We will make every reasonable effort possible to resolve any issue a customer has with a Tattoo, Body Piercing or Brand

we do not give cash cash refunds