Can you tattoo over a scar?
Occasionally we will have clients ask about covering a scar. Sometimes it’s because they hate the scar and want to cover it up and sometimes they just really want a tattoo on that part of the body and won’t let a scar stop them. Whatever the reason, there are a few factors to consider before moving forward. Talk to one of the tattoo experts at WarmArt about your circumstance.
In our last article, we talked about skin discolorations. But, tattooing over a scar is very different from simple discoloration. Scar tissue presents a different challenge to the artist – and since each scar is different, there is no one right answer.
Potential Factors
How deep is the scar tissue? A cat scratch is very different from a surgery scar, and you run the risk of a blurred tattoo if the scar is so thick that it doesn’t allow the ink to go where it needs to (and stay there).
What shape is it? A burn scar will be wider and shallower than a surgery scar, for example. Be wary of wide scars which will shrink anywhere from 20-50% by the time they heal.
How old is the scar? Scars change with time, they heal slowly and fade/shrink with time, so don’t rush to get a tattoo over one if you aren’t reasonably sure it won’t change in the next five years.
It’s best to work with fully healed scars!
Scars can take up to a year or two to fully heal (or more sometimes!). You’ll probably want to wait until it is fully healed because scars are harder to work with when they are still new and they are more sensitive which makes it hurt more. You also don’t want the scar to rupture or reopen during the tattoo session, yikes! You may want to wait another year if your scar is still raised or red/angry looking. There are many products on the market with vitamins to help speed the process up.
The Pain Factor
All tattoos are painful. But, depending on your pain tolerance, you may handle it better or worse than others. Tattooing over scar tissue is different though – damaged skin is more likely to be sensitive than regular skin.
Designing the right tattoo
Ultimately, the design will be up to you, but you may want to consider designs that will incorporate the individual shape of your scar. Listen to the recommendations of your tattoo artist and be willing to budge a little bit if the artist makes minor modifications that will enhance the tattoo.